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Hymns to enrich the calendar

from a vicar in West Yorkshire.

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We raise our voice in praise of John


Alexander Crawford, from Luke 1, John 1, 3 and 5, and the Benedictus

Tune: Mach’s mit mir Gott (NEH 122)

We raise our voice in praise of John,

Great Baptist and Forerunner.

Old prophets dreamed of things to come;

This Prophet saw his Saviour:

The Lamb of God, come to restore,

That all may worship and adore!

God sent this burning, shining boy*

To turn the lost from darkness;

In dark of womb, he leapt with joy

To greet the Dayspring’s brightness:

The Dawn to break upon the poor,

Set free to worship and adore.

Sent to prepare the way of God,

The crooked paths to straighten,

Baptizing to reveal his Lord

And rescue the forsaken;

To call the sinful, and implore

To turn to worship, and adore.

Great Prophet, he must now decrease,

His work, by Christ perfected.

With joy fulfilled, from trials released,

A martyr’s crown accepted;

To serve his Lord for evermore,

In heav’n to worship and adore.

And now with joy we see, like John,

The Lamb of God in glory;

With hearts renewed and sins undone

We feast on his blest body!

O may we come to know him more,

For ever worship and adore!

*John 5. 35: “[John] was a burning and shining lamp”

St John Baptist, in the cloister of Chester Cathedral



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