Alexander Crawford
Tune: Rustington (NEH 477)
For Fr Jeremy Matthew Haselock, on his onomastico
Holy Matthew, Gospel writer,
Called to share the living word;
Faithful servant, bearing witness
To the deeds of Christ, his Lord.
Call us, blessèd Lord, like Matthew,
To be sharers of your word;
Shine the light of Gospel splendour
On this dark, disordered world.
Holy Matthew, tax collector,
Called by Christ to start anew;
Left at once his sinful business,
Found in Christ new work to do.
Call us, blessèd Lord, like Matthew,
From our love of worldly things;
Love instead the poor and outcast,
Share the life your Gospel brings.
Holy Matthew, great Apostle,
Called to follow Christ the King;
Heeding well his great commission,
Through the world good news to bring.
Call us, blessèd Lord, like Matthew,
Guide us by your powerful hand;
Send us out to make disciples
In this place and every land.
Glory be to God the Father,
Glory be to God the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Ever Three and ever One.
Praise to God for saints like Matthew,
To inspire and show the way;
May his prayers and strong protection
Draw us nearer day by day.
