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In pursuit of beautiful and holy worship. 

Hymns to enrich the calendar

from a vicar in West Yorkshire.

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Hail, Virgin Mother of our Lord


Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Written for a novena to Our Lady during this time of pandemic (with just a touch of Easter hope!)

'Deus tuorum militum' is a jolly tune, but it takes on a different character when sung more slowly and softly (such as in this video - It should work, regardless of your mood.

Alexander Crawford

Tune: Deus tuorum militum (NEH 101ii)

For Fr Sebastian Hamilton and the people of Tewkesbury Abbey, in hopeful anticipation of the restoration of the Shrine of Our Lady of Tewkesbury.

Hail, Virgin Mother of our Lord,

Who heard with joy th’angelic word;

Now to the Word you point the way:

O hear our humble prayer today.

Upon that pow'rful Word we call,

To speak new life and hope to all;

In isolation, to be near,

And give us strength to persevere.

O Mother, share with us your joy,

Our doubt remove, our fear destroy!

For by the triumph of your Son,

The power of death has been undone.

So magnify the Lord with me!

His mighty deeds of love we see:

The broken healed, the lost restored,

And all made new in Christ the Lord;

The Christ, who died, but lives again,

O’er all the universe to reign;

Whom, with the Father, we adore,

And Spirit blest, forevermore! Amen.

Sandro Botticelli - Madonna of the Magnificat



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