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In pursuit of beautiful and holy worship. 

Hymns to enrich the calendar

from a vicar in West Yorkshire.

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On this great feast day (St Wilfrid)


Alexander Crawford

Tune: St Wilfrid of Ripon (NEP 615)

(alternatively, any 11 11 11 5 tune, such as NEH 210 - )

For Anthony Gray and the people of the Parish of St Wilfrid, Harrogate

On this great feast day honour we our Patron,

Blessèd Saint Wilfrid, wise and faithful shepherd,

Whose patient witness nurtured and encouraged;

Sing of his goodness!

Called to a life of prayer and self-denial,

Steadfastly guarding holy Church’s teachings,

Sharing the Gospel, drawing hearts to Jesus;

All for God’s kingdom!

So, Lord, we thank you that your faithful servant,

Constantly following Christ his Lord and Saviour,

Rests now in heaven, sharing with the angels

Life everlasting!

Grant us, like Wilfrid, joy in loving service,

Strengthen and guide us as we journey onwards;

Pledging ourselves to follow in his footsteps,

All for your glory!

Hear us, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:

Yours be the glory, Trinity eternal,

May all creation sing as one to praise you,

Now and for ever! Amen.

A 16th century panel painting by Lambert Barnard showing Wilfrid being endowed land at Selsey in Sussex by King Cædwalla (Chichester Cathedral)



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