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Hymns to enrich the calendar

from a vicar in West Yorkshire.

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Sing of St James - a processional


Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Like many patronal festivals, the celebrations on 25 July in St James the Great, Albert Hill, Darlington, include the procession of a large image of the saint around the outside of the church. This hymn replaces an older one, also written specially for the procession. I have tried to capture a little of the honest and, dare I say, naïve spirit of local processionals, but offering something worthy of our worship and, as always, pointing to God rather than the great saint himself. The first half references the life of the saint, including the Gospel for the day, and the second half celebrates the work of the parish church.

Alexander Crawford

Tune: Lasst uns erfreuen (NEH 478)

For Fr Kenneth Crawford and the people of the Parish of St James the Great, Darlington

Sing of Saint James, with thanks and praise,

Whose name we bless, this day of days;

Alleluia, Alleluia!

Lift up your voices high and clear,

For all of Albert Hill to hear!

Alleluia, Alleluia,

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Sing of Saint James, our pilgrim saint,

Whose prayers support the weak and faint;

On life’s great pilgrimage, we pray,

Guide us in Jesu’s holy way.

Sing of Saint James, the fisherman,

Leaving his nets for God’s own Son;

When Jesus called, he lived anew,

May we find faith to follow too.

Sing of Saint James, that martyr bold,

Drank he the cup his Lord foretold;

Lord, grant us in adversity,

Courage to follow faithfully.

Sing of Saint James, who sits above,

Serving his Lord, the God of love;

Lord, may we always servants be,

Honour the poor, set captive free.

Sing of Saint James, for this our church,

Where restless souls for Jesus search;

Praise God for her long witness here,

And for her people, far and near.

Sing of Saint James, and pray this place

May offer still a warm embrace;

Open our hearts, our doors fling wide,

Make there a home for all inside.

Sing of Saint James, and thank the Lord,

For blessings on this church outpoured;

Lord, may we always turn to you,

Offer our prayers, and worship true.

Sing of Saint James, with whom we meet

Christ, at his altar, pure and sweet;

In bread and wine our Lord we see,

Sins are forgiv’n, and souls set free.

Sing of Saint James, with hosts on high,

Whose joyful voices ever cry;

Alleluia, Alleluia!

With them forever may we bring,

Praises and thanks to God our King!

Alleluia, Alleluia,

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

St James the Pilgrim - Juan de Juanes



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