Written for the May Devotions at St James the Great, Darlington.
The hymn ‘Immaculate Mary’ holds a special place in many hearts, I know; but to be brutally honest (and irrespective of any doctrinal disagreements), the words are pretty dire. I offer this as an alternative, and hopefully something that more Anglicans can get on board with (no doubt some will find it all a bit too much).
I’ve incorporated some of the traditional titles of Our Lady – Queen of May, Mary Our Mother, Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Joy, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of all the Saints, Star of the Sea – along with biblical references to her life, and the Magnificat (verse three). Verse seven is inspired by the 'Regina Coeli'.
Alexander Crawford
Tune: Lourdes Hymn
For Fr Kenneth Crawford and the people of the Parish of St James the Great, Darlington
O sing to Our Lady, with hearts lifted high,
We join with the angels and saints as they cry:
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
With flowers we greet you, O Queen of the May,
Who greeted with meekness the angel’s ‘Ave.’
O Mary, pure maiden, whose spirit rejoiced
To sing of God’s blessings; give ear to our voice:
The One whom no power or place can confine,
You held in your womb, that blest shelter and shrine.
Hail Mary, our Mother, so full of God’s grace,
You nurtured his Son in your tender embrace.
O Mother of Sorrows, and Mother of Joy,
Such wonder—such torment—awaits your sweet boy.
O Mary, you knew the deep pain of the Cross,
O Mary! rejoice, for your Son is not lost!
Our Mother in heaven, our struggles you know;
O pray for our Mother, the Church, here below.
O Queen of the Martyrs, and Queen of the Saints,
With powerful prayer, aid the weak and the faint.
O Star of the Ocean and gateway to heav’n,
O pray for us sinners, and hear our ‘Amen.’
So sing then to Mary, on this festal day,
With voices untiring; an endless ‘Ave!’
All praise to the Father, all praise to the Son,
And praise to the Spirit; our God, Three in One.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
