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In pursuit of beautiful and holy worship. 

Hymns to enrich the calendar

from a vicar in West Yorkshire.

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Great God, the giver of all blessings


Updated: Mar 10, 2021

C F Alexander’s hymn, ‘Great God, the Giver of all graces,’ was written for the reopening of Derry Cathedral in 1886, and a friend in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe asked me if I would refresh it for the upcoming anniversary of the founding of his church, keeping as far as possible a sense of the original. The original hymn is below.

This would work for anyone’s anniversary of foundation or dedication.

Alexander Crawford, after C F Alexander’s ‘Great God, the Giver of all graces’

For Fr Sean Hanily and the people of the parishes of Drumragh with Mountfield, in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, on the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the church of St Columba, Omagh.

Great God, the giver of all blessings,

Whom highest heav’n cannot contain;

Yet bless us with your wondrous presence

And ever with your Church remain.

Be here, O Lord of our salvation,

Reveal your love beyond compare,

That we may lay a strong foundation

Of humble hearts, absorbed in prayer.

In faithful worship through the ages

Your praises, Lord, have filled this place;

Through days of doubt, in times of changes

May we find peace in sacred space.

And may this be a place of blessing

For all in joy, or deep despair;

For young and old, new faith professing,

For those who come, their love to swear.

Be present, Lord, to those who seek you,

Inspire us with your living word;

In bread and wine, then may we meet you,

O blessèd Saviour, risen Lord.

O thank the God of all creation

For all his blessings on us here,

Our voices raised in exultation

To sing his praises, year by year!

C F Alexander’s original hymn:

Great God, the Giver of all graces, Whom highest Heav'n cannot contain, Yet wondrous in Thy holy places—

Arise, O Lord! and bless our fane.

Be here, O Christ of our salvation. As once in Israel's temple fair;

Cleanse Thou from sin our poor oblation, And make this house a house of prayer.

In dark old times our sires upbuilded The walls, and dream'd a loftier shrine;

In days still dark we have fulfill'd it Accept the work and make it Thine.

Their voice of prayer and song of psalter Up thro' these time-grey arches roll'd. Come down and bless again Thine altar,

And take the new things with the old.

Bless it for nuptial benediction, For hands upon the bended head,

For words that pardon sin's affliction, For Creed proclaim'd, and Gospel read:

For feast divine of high communion—

The broken bread, the wine outpour'd; The dead with living hearts in union.

The memory dear, the present Lord.

Let day by day the strain ascending From choir and people meet Thine ear,

With swell of solemn organ blending, And order'd service all the year.

Come down and give Thy consecration, Make pure the heart, exalt the voice;

Clothe, Lord, Thy priests with Thy salvation, And make Thy chosen saints rejoice.

St Columba, Omagh



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