An offertory for Candlemas, taking us through the Gospel readings of Christmas and the epiphanies, and looking towards Lent and Christ's Passion.
Verse 1 - Christmas - John 1. 1-14
Verse 2 - Christmas - Luke 2. 1-20
Verse 3 - The Epiphany - Matthew 2. 1-12
Verse 4 - The Baptism of Christ and the Wedding at Cana - Luke 3. 15-17,21,22 and John 2. 1-11
Verse 5 - Candlemas - Luke 2. 22-40
The second half of the first verse is also inspired by a beautiful poem by Roland Watkyns (fl. 1662), 'Upon Christ's Nativity' (see
Alexander Crawford
Tune: Kingsfold (NEH 376)
Behold the Christ, the Word made flesh,
The Father’s glorious Son,
Fullness of God in tiny child,
His life on earth begun.
The Word he is, yet cannot speak,
True God, yet helpless lies,
The Bread of Life and Fount of Grace
For food and water cries.
“Behold the Christ,” the angel said
To shepherds in the night,
With haste they went and found the child,
The true and only Light.
Behold, the King of all the world
In lowly manger lies,
The Christ for poorest and the least,
The outcast and despised.
“Behold the Christ,” the Magi said,
So overwhelmed with joy,
The Light to lighten all the world
Shines forth from this small boy.
Gold for a king, and frankincense
For his divinity,
And myrrh, for his great sacrifice
For all humanity.
“Behold the Christ,” the Father said,
With Spirit like a dove,
Baptized in Jordan’s waters, now
Begins his work of love.
“Behold the Christ,” his Mother said,
As water turned to wine,
The vastness of God’s love to show,
And make his glory shine.
“Behold the Christ,” old Simeon said,
His Saviour now revealed,
“Lord, let your servant go in peace,
Your word has been fulfilled.”
Through darkness, yet, this Light must pass
Before we are restored,
For this poor child a cross awaits,
For Mary’s heart, a sword.
“Behold the Christ,” we too may say,
Who meet him in this place,
We join the angels’ song of joy,
Transcending time and space.
Behold the Christ, in bread and wine,
His body and his blood,
The food that gives eternal life,
His sacrifice of love.
