This is the long form, and is the setting used by the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield. If I recall correctly, it is the Dominican tone. I expect it is a CR translation.
The music for the Common Worship version can be found here:
This is the second form of the Exsultet from Common Worship: Times and Seasons - 'A short responsive Exsultet.' The note says that "if possible, the main text should be sung by a deacon," but there is no music provided (and none that I can find). So this is my own attempt to set it to chant, in imitation of the melodies of the long form of the Exsultet (for which music is provided in CW). It might be a good way in for someone a little daunted by the full form of the prayer (though it must be said that singing the long form is vastly preferable).
